Saturday, May 6, 2023

I danced a while in Birmingham with a lady lawyer, who loved Bill Barr and Donald Trump

    This article was in my Apple News feed yesterday:


Barr: Trump will deliver 'chaos' and 'horror show'

Former Attorney General Bill Barr said Friday that former President Trump will deliver “chaos” and a “horror show” if he returned to the White House in 2024.

“If you believe in his policies, what he’s advertising as his policies, he’s the last person who could actually execute them and achieve them,” Barr said of Trump at an event in Cleveland. “He does not have the discipline.”

When pressed further, Barr claimed his former boss doesn’t have “the ability for strategic thinking” or “setting priorities.”

“It is a horror show when he’s left to his own devices,” Barr said. “And so, you may want his policies, but Trump will not deliver Trump policies.”

“He will deliver chaos and, if anything, lead to a backlash that will set his policies much further back than they otherwise would be,” he added.

Barr, who served as attorney general under Trump and former President George H.W. Bush, was in Cleveland discussing his book, “One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General.”

The former attorney general has become a frequent critic of Trump since leaving the administration in December 2020. Shortly before resigning, Barr revealed the Department of Justice found no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, despite then-President Trump’s claims.

Last month, he [Barr] suggested Trump was the Republican candidate “most likely to lose again” to President Biden in 2024. 

    I forwarded the article to K, the last in a string of lawyers, who represented my stepsister's son during the long, arduous winding down of my father's considerable financial remains, so to speak. My father's wealth paid a whole lot of lawyers, some of whom sometimes caused me to want to kill them, or at least get them abducted by the mother ship and never seen or heard from again. 

    I described that in considerably more detain in a book I recently completed about my father, his company and his family. I named the book, "The Golden Flake Clown's Tale." The clown was a hobo clown children loved. In my youth, I sometimes was likened to the clown. In my 60s and 70s, I was a homeless off and on hobo.

    K is a quite physically attractive lady lawyer, who was a county judge and a prosecutor in a western state and had her own television show sort of like Judge Judy, I suppose. Later, K worked for her good friend, Attorney General William Barr, in his US Department of Justice.

    After my part of my father's estate finally resolved and K was done representing my stepsister's son, I told her that Trump was infiltrated by a demonic entity, and anyone who associated with Trump was infiltrated by that entity, and I hoped she and her husband would remove themselves from politics and get on with their lives. 

    K was looking for a new job. Since she had many contacts in important places, including the media, I offered to pony up $1,000,00 to fund for two years a law firm consisting of her and me. Her job would be finding us clients we would consult on going about legal squabbles differently. She said that would be dangerous, we would need a whole lot of malpractice insurance, and she declined. 

    K emailed me about the William Bar article:

I know - BB is after him BAD. Apparently they didn’t leave in gods terms lol.

How are you? Johnnie and I had a long catch up the other day. I love and miss you all!! 

    Johnnie is a Birmingham lawyer K associated so she could represent my deceased stepsister's son in the litigation over my father's financial remains in Alabama courts.

    I really liked Kay and Jonnie, and we had some fun conversations about life and such. When Johnnie promoted Kay and I be boyfriend and girlfriend, I said that ain't gonna happen. First, because she is married, and second, because she is a Trumper.

    K howled, I wouldn't be her boyfriend because she is a Trumper?

    I said, that's right.

    I replied to K's email about the Bill Barr article and Johnnie:

Maybe they didn’t leave on good terms because Barr publicly stated Trump’s stolen election claims were bull shit. Maybe Barr told Trump privately that he was bull shit, which he has been since he was a spoiled brat rich kid. Your and Johnny‘s client’s male role model. Seems your promises to call me were bull shit. Hope your and your hubby’s new jobs are suiting you. I offered you a fully-funded dream job.

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Golden Flake dumped its clown many years ago

     A very close friend of my younger brother, Major, commented under The Golden Flake Clown's Tale post at my Facebook page yesterday....