Saturday, May 6, 2023

What really drives mass shooters and gun lovers is they don't feel good about their dicks

    As a boy, I loved to hunt dove, quail and ducks with a shotgun. The last shotgun I had was an Ithaca 12-gauge pump with improved cylinder barrel - scattergun. I kept it long after I quit hunting, because racking a shell into the chamber would scare the living shit out of any intruder. The magazine held 5 shells if the plug was removed. I kept it in my bedroom, loaded with #3 buckshot, which would hit anything half-way aimed at 20 yards away, and make an intruder wish he had never been born. I use the male pronoun, because the odds of an intruder being female back then were zero, and I imagine that's close to the odds today. 

    I don't think I ever heard of a female mass shooter in America. Perhaps I missed it in the news, but it just isn't American women's style to commit mass murder with guns, or with any weapon. I think that must suggest, if Dr. Freud and Dr. Jung, were here today, they would say mass shooting and gun love is really a manhood issue. The shooters and gun lovers don't feel good about their dicks. The best the really unhinged gun lovers can come up with to feel better about their dicks is to load their large capacity assault rifle facimile and go where there are a lot of people and let their surrogate dicks do their talking until the good guys come and let their surrogate dicks do the talking, and the unhinged guy with the small dick complex is sent to the unhappiest fucking hunting ground there is.

    Psychoanalysis behind, here's something a Birmingham, Alabama man posted on Facebook today, which started a discussion into which I put my 80+year-old dick's worth.


Some things must be done to protect humanity from those who seek to kill by assault rifles, etc...

Tell Congress: Stop Assault Weapon Sales Now
In approximately 4 minutes, the Sandy Hook Elementary shooter fired 154 bullets, killing 20 children and 6 educators. Sign the petition now to demand Congress stop the sale of assault weapons!

Banning the sale of these firearms wouldnt affect those getting them illegally regardless. i also know many people reload ammunition which banning sale of the ammo would encourage and if done slightly improperly it could cause more issues to otherwise safe individuals who responsibly use the firearm. personally, for home defense theres no better option than an AR-15 to protect other family members or bystanders from second hand wounds due to the velocity and way the round flowers compared to handgun rounds and shotguns.
I have problems with the math. 20,000,000 AR-15s out there, often justified for home defense. In a given year how much actual use for actual home defense occurs using (or threatening to use these weapons?) We'd disagree on the fraction, but we'd agree it's a tiny fraction.
On the other hand, how much harm is done, in a given year, by the legality of these weapons. How many innocent people dead and, I mean, blown apart dead. How many people deeply traumatized by grief? How many first responders, law enforcement, and countless others who have to live with the experience of directly encountering these slaughtered human beings and their families. All of this loss of life, all these terrible injuries, all this grief and trauma are endured by large numbers of people for the limited benefit of people being able to shoot home invaders and only rarely actually doing so
Sloan Bashinsky
I would lay my money on the best home defense being a 12 gauge pump shotgun loaded with #1 buck shot. Racking the chamber will scare the living shit out of any intruder, and it's really hard to miss any target within 20 yards.

I'm a psychologist and have been for 40 years. The problem would NOT be solved by universal access to mental health care. As much as that is needed. It presumes that (a) the kind of people who would shoot children would, at some point, decide to get treatment. (b) That mental health treatments would somehow always address the underlying mental health problems behind all this, and no one even knows what that is. Treatments don't always work in any field of health care (surgery, chemotherapy, medication use). (c) No one knows how difficult and MASSIVELY expensive an undertaking would get us to a mental health system where anyone can go, at will, get all the most effective treatment they need. The problem with this mental health argument is that it's based on idea that, in our current political environment, Republicans would fund anything like it. Talk about a massive spending program! 

I believe many people with your view about how the "only way" to address this is through mental health care are sincere. But this argument basically diverts us from doing things that are do-able. Those things won't solve the problem either. But is it possible they'd reduce this level of carnage? Yes.

Finally, the organized and well-funded campaigns to prevent ANY gun legislation has created the situation of having so many of these weapons out there (most of the 20,000,000 AR-15s out there in the US were manufactured in the last 10 years), that it's now extremely hard to think of a way to actually reduce their numbers in meaningful ways. The gun lobby made sure this happened and now say, oh, sorry, nothing can be done about guns.


There are many, many gun owners who are responsible and no threat to the public at large. They sometimes miss the fact that in championing the rights of responsible people to own AR-15s, they are also championing the right of irresponsible people, not to mention potential mass shooters, to own AR-15s.

Peter we aren't. I'd love nothing more than for teachers at my kids' schools to be armed, trained and ready to neutralize a threat, rather than being sheep waiting to be slaughtered.


I recently had a conversation with a police chief, one of many people know in law enforcement, who agrees that the idea of arming teachers is one of the most dangerous ideas related to schools in recent memory.


Look at the statistics. More people die from drug overdo ses,obesity cancer, and heart disease by much larger percentage than those who die by guns (homicide and suicide).


So let me get this right, l should not complain about a class of 6 yo or a pot luck supper where some 70yo are shot by a gun weapon because more people will die from a overdose, cancer, heart disease, obesity, etc... ??!!

Sloan Bashinsky

I think the only way to get a gun lover to look at this topic differently is for the gun lover to have some loved ones shot up and blown apart at a school or grocery store by guns such as the gun lover defends.

What sane, caring, responsible, law-abiding person would oppose Congress passing legislation that requires strict background checks for the types of guns being used in school and other public massacres?
That aside, does anyone in this conversation actually believe legislation banning such guns would make any difference, given such guns are all over America and apparently are easy to acquire?
I can't imagine any mental health professional (psychiatrist, psychologist, clinical social worker, psychological counselor, addiction counselor, etc.) actually thinks they have any power to stop shooting massacres. In fact, because mental health is their line of work, they know for a fact that they have no such power. 
What should have been done decades ago, was put well-trained, armed guards in public lower, middle and high schools. But did the local and state governments do that, as part of their "states rights' jurisdiction? No, they did not.
Did any US President federalize state national guards and use them to guard public schools? No, they did not. Even though President Kennedy federalized the Alabama. lNational Guard to escort black students to their classes at the University of Alabama, literally pushing aside Alabama Governor George Wallace, as he hollered segregation now, segregation forever!
Today, I saw in my Apple newsfeed that president Biden is sending US military personnel to the nation's southern border, to deal with the immigrants flooding in from Mexico. That is more important to Biden, and to his backers, was more important to Trump, and to his backers, than guarding the nation's public schools.
Imagine what this all looks like to Christians' God and Jesus and Mother Mary? Imagine what it looks like to Jehovah and Allah and Buddha? Imagine the karma when the roll is called up yonder for US presidents and state governors and local city and county mayors and commissioners, and school boards who did fucking nothing to protect school children from being massacred with guns that mean them no harm.
If I were a school child in America today, I would refuse to go to school, because I do not feel safe there. Imagine every school child in America going on strike and not going to school? I'm not joking. Their parents don't give a shit about them, because their parents keep making them go to school. Yet, school children stayed home during the covid pandemic shut down, not to protect them, but to protect their parents and grandparents, who were far more at risk to Covid-19, than were children.
The US president and state. governors and local elected officials and school boards don't give a shit about school children, because they don't put well-trained, armed guards in the schools. 
Fuck all.

    Here's something an amiga sent me maybe 10 years ago, which she said just up and leaped out of her about as fast as she could type it.


I cry out from within my soul, a place filled with such grief that only my subconscious ventures there
Out of fear of never returning from the guttural screams and wails, I awake only to find the world to which I am returning, the war that is not
The principalities, the powers, the unseen,
Einstein measured math and explained the unexplainable.
There is no formula for this world though, the war between good and evil.
It was attempted , the explanation many and many times in the past with the Koran, the Bible, the tribal languages.
In writings and in generations passed down time and again.
The invisible weapons.
The Indians trying to explain a gun to the village.
No comprehension, no words to describe the terror of it.
The tribe saw his fear as he explained in terrifying images,
the death of his friend and brother.
The village looked on. Was he crazy? He tried so to convince them.
He warned them.
He knew the weapons would come on the shoulders of the evil warriors.
Calling for the heads of the Indians on a platter,
like John the Baptist, delivered.
Where were the laws of the U.S. then? Where were the Courts?
What was the difference? They called for the heads to be delivered on platters.
They still do.
The principalities, the powers of darkness, calls for heads everyday.
And unknowingly you choose your side.
When the Indians, the homeless, the children are not worth standing and fighting for, you have become a tool of darkness, watching the deliverance of the Saints.
“Don’t be surprised when they hate you”, said Jesus, “for they hated me first without a cause.”
But that is terrifying. Who wants to be hated?
We run a popularity contest in the U.S.
We can’t win, can’t succeed without our friends. Then what would be the measure of our worth?
Jesus said his saints would be like the salt of the earth scattered abroad.
Some have lost their savor. How many are left?
Few, outnumbered, holding the ground, fighting the wars of the unseen.
And the village hears of the weapons and can’t imagine, so they prepare not.
How do you prepare for the unbelievable?
“Only with God, the armor of the Lord, and the Holy Spirit”, says Jesus.
But these words are pungent in the ears of the Christians, the civilized.
“No heads are called for”, they say. Yet they are, by Satan everyday.
And the idle stand by and do nothing as the saints are delivered,
And the idle claim innocence of the blood of it all,
because they carried not the gun to slaughter the Indians, the Jews, the homeless, the children, the Saints.
But I tell you truth, idle ones, you are guilty!
You chose not to engage in the battle and the battle engaged you,
knowingly or not.
When you said, “No”, to the chosen, you said, “Yes” to Satan.
You said, “Yes, Satan carry on and deliver him on the platter, but I want
no part of it.”
You watched the slaughter but raised not a word in protest.
Fear of losing the popular friends, fear of becoming the salt of the earth scattered about and preyed on by Satan and his devouring angels.
Why would Satan destroy one of his own? Of course not.
He would not target the idle, who allow him to deliver the heads on the platters.
The ones he despises are the workers of God, the salt of the earth.
Where is their army, where is their law?
We believe we live by rules. We live by rules other than those we see.
The rules were written, they tell us the price.
They are written in the Bible, in the Holy books of old.
We read with our lips and see with our eyes but believe not in our heart.
Or we would become the salt, the persecuted, sawn asunder, living in
caves, destitute, beheaded, tortured in prison and so the Book goes.
And so the sale is void. There are no takers.
They want none of the hardships of the Lord elect.
Those promised, those delivered.
The idle fall by the wayside, planted shallow, planted on rocks,
Yielding nothing but thorns.
And Jesus says, “It is hard to kick against the pricks.”
The pricks of the fallen, the fence walkers, they will not choose a side.
The side is too torturous that bears the eternal promise.
The other side, Satan’s side, is full of success, victory in this world,
and awards and accolades.
The elect sleep without a home, without a country, alone with our wounds with only God to comfort us.
Speaking to the unseen as our only friend.
“Too hard” the idle say. “Not appealing.”
Then go and take your reward. Sit alongside as they deliver the heads on platters,
And know…. you will have your reward! For it is written.
It can’t be seen, but it is explained in the Book, the Bible;
You have chosen even if you refuse to.
You have chosen if you are not engaged.
You are not the salt of the earth if you are comforted, and popular.
No words of Jesus offered prosperity.
No words of Jesus have offered rewards here on earth.
Jesus spoke of trials and tribulations, and persecutions on earth.

Only above from the Father in a world yet to be seen, will our efforts be rewarded.  

In a world Einstein could not explain.

In a world where the formulas work, but no man can figure them out.
In a world too grand.
“Do you understand how I hung the moon and the stars?”, said God.
“Then how can you understand things greater?
They only heard from the Indian, who had seen the gun.
They didn’t recognize the evil ones who carried it.
Nor did they know when the evil ones would come,
or how many there would be.
But the heads have been called for and surely they will be delivered,
as always.
And the platters with the blood will be full,
And your hands will not be clean if you sit idly by,
And you will be rewarded with your portion for the killing.
It is written.

Sandy Downs, Cudjoe Key


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