Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mother's Day question; Why is the Christian Trinity all male?

Earlier this month, I "invented" a new Google blog, which I named "Late Life Reflections of a Tiny Kingdom Birmingham Country Club heretic"-

This blog is not specifically about The Tiny Kingdom (aka Mountain Brook) and the Birmingham Country Club, in both of which I grew up. There are some stories about those places, but the theme is the perspectives of someone who started out there and left and went off and did other things and developed new perspectives, and then he came back to live late in life, when the Internet is the only contact sport available to him. It is also a place for him to reminisce, lament and reflect what it's like to feel like someone from another planet most of the time. 

Since this is Mother's Day, and since I grew up in St. Luke's Episcopal Church in The Tiny Kingdom, let's consider the Christian Trinity, which, according to nearly every Christian I have known, is all male, which necessarily raises the question: How does it reproduce? The only answer I could come up with is, by cloning itself. 

I think I read some somewhere that a clone of a clone of a clone is not much like the original clone. When I compare Christianity in America today to Jesus and his tribe in the Gospels, I don't see much resemblance, and I wonder if the all male Trinity clone progression is the reason.

In Judaism, the spirit of God is called Shekinah, gender female. In The Old Testament, Wisdom is female gender.

I wonder how Christianity in America, and elsewhere, would have evolved if the men who decided what went into the New Testament actually were infused with the Holy Spirit, which is the female side of God in any religion and in no religion. 

I wonder how Christianity in America, and elsewhere, would have evolved if the men who decided what went into the New Testament had let the Holy Spirit explain to them that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a couple in all ways, and they had a child, whose bloodline now spans the planet, and people with traces of that blood in them do not feel like they are from this planet.

I wonder how Christianity in America, and elsewhere, would have evolved if the men who decided what went into the New Testament had let the Holy Spirit explain to them that Judas was Jesus's closest male friend, who did what Jesus asked him to do, which so distressed Judas that he killed himself, and if he had not killed himself, God would have used him greatly and perhaps we never would have heard of St. Paul, who was a celibate Jewish Pharisee killing Jesus's followers when Jesus apprehended him on the Road to Damascus. 

I wonder how Christianity in America and elsewhere would have evolved if Paul had told in his letters that his thorn in the flesh was he was gay and that's why he never married and propagated God's chosen people, which was his duty as a Jew and a Pharisee.

I wonder how Christianity in America and the West would have evolved if the Roman Catholic Church had allowed its priests to marry and have children of their own. 

I wonder how Christianity in America and the world would have evolved, if the men who wrote the New Testament had not made a virgin their only holy woman.


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